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BhagwadGita Full Session [ Hindi ] ज्ञान की शक्ति: वेदों से भगवान गणेश की विजय तक
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BhagwadGita 'Dhyaan' Guided Meditation [ English ] | Empowering Yourself Through Meditation
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~Today's Verse~

श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता ५.११

कायेन मनसा बुद्ध्या केवलैरिन्द्रियैरपि ।
योगिनः कर्म कुर्वन्ति सङ्गं त्यक्त्वात्मशुद्धये ॥५- ११॥

Bhagawad Gita 5.11

The Yogis fulfil their obligations through physical, emotional, intellectual and sensory labor. They remain expectation-free throughout their performance, all the while toiling but for self-purification.


।। यतो धर्म ततो कृष्ण
यतो कृष्ण ततो जय: ।।

The Hitavada Coverage

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Ever Joyful Living and Loving:
Beautifying The Beloved's Dream through Clear Comprehension and Personal Application of

Sri Krushna's Bhagwad Gita.


Management in the Gita

What is Bhagwad Gita

Today, most societies consider name, fame, beauty, and wealth as the hallmarks of perfection. However, physical beauty is only skin-deep, fame evanescent, and wealth unstable.

Over five thousand years ago it was rediscovered in India that perfection could not be found in the impermanent external world which is ever full of contradictions.  This glorious discovery came in the form of The Bhagwad Gita - the most revered and stunningly succinct Hindu scripture which itself is based on India's timeless Vedanta philosophy. Vedanta exhorts that freedom from all limitations at all times under all circumstances can alone be suggestive of real perfection!


Empowering Gita Reflections

The spontaneous and effortless freedom from time, space, and causation can only be found in the realm of absolute consciousness, or Brahm as the Gita describes it, pointing to it as identical to our own intrinsic nature in truth.

Just as a dreamer waking up from the dream feels instant relief from the momentary make-believe distress and fear of losing fleeting pleasures of the dream world, so can every human live blissfully in a constant state of wakefulness while cheerfully and willingly participating in the dream with the sole purpose of beautifying it!  In fact, such a super-positive state of mind is very possible for any aspirant desirous of that liberating wakefulness. Indeed, exemplifying such a mindset situated in ultimate positivity ought to be the prime purpose of every living human - incomparably above all other mundane objectives such as name, fame, beauty, and wealth. The Gita adeptly describes this life purpose of self-discovery very pragmatically in its full glory, including the path leading to it and the simple but consistent disciplines necessary for this most rewarding spiritual journey.

Presently there is no paucity of information available on and about the Gita, however, no form or amount of mere information gathering comes even remotely close to direct participation in the study and 'highly personalized comprehension of The Gita's central message in the association of devout Gita-followers in austere settings'... or "Gitayog" programs, as we call such settings.  We invite you to keep an open mind, listen without prejudice or distractions and judge for yourselves - the unprecedented lifelong serenity that you will experience will be all yours to keep as your own soul's most precious gift to you!

Krushnam Vandey Jagad Gurum...

Love Sri Krushna!


The History Of GitaYog


Most of the numerous Hindu organizations in any metropolitan region in America announce and conduct a wide variety of religious and cultural events on a fairly regular basis.  Not many, however, devotedly organize structured Gitayog programs, which ought to be the foremost event at all spiritual congregations founded upon the Sanatan Dharma. Those that do so have not tried to, nor succeeded in effectively spreading the word exclusively focusing on the Gita beyond their own limited membership.  Even in those instances, the programs are more like preset monologues with little opportunity for dynamic interactions and personalization of Gita's

ever-relevant life principles for the audience.



FROM AN IDEA TO A MOVEMENT was formed in 2013 with the mission to enable the creation, sustenance, and dissemination of "Gitayog" programs across Mother Earth, beginning initially in the Washington DC metro region.  Gitayog programs methodically follow an active, participatory framework that encourages engaging discussions and interactive learning of Gita's unfathomable teachings. These programs are openly inclusive, remaining all the while uncompromisingly agnostic to religion, institution, spiritual following, language preference, host, delivery method, age group, program location, and duration, or any other exclusive distinction.  Over the years, will continue to champion the incubation and evolution of such unencumbered Gitayog programs in various pods all over the world!

Introduction to Gitayog

New to Gitayog? Here are some videos for a quick introduction


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Q & A session


How many times in the Gita has the Lord asked Arjun to fight!

a ) Direct instruction to fight has been given five times in clear words. Mostly in the beginning in chapter 2 when the Lord starts the instruction. Verses 18, 37 and 38. Then, once in the middle chapter 8:7. And finally, one last time in chapter 11:34.

b)  However, four indirect references also appear in the beginning and in the end when there is a strong suggestion to fight without actually saying so. Chapter 2:3, 31, 32 and then before ending the sermon in chapter 18:59.

c)  And lastly very indirect hints are given to Arjun in the passing in the middle portion of the Gita, again without directly asking him to fight. Chapter 3:43, 4:42, 11:32 and 11:33. The first two instances are the ending verses of chapters 3 and 4. Conclusion: Thus, a total 13 times indications suggest that Arjun must fight although only five times by way of clear instruction to do so. I have to admit, I never thought of it and never have been asked of this very unique question which I love and thank you for! Hope this helps 😊s etc.

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